Definitely not all shown above, but you can find the TS2 version here, which has way more pictures. Note: Most all CC that I use are made by other creators. Sims 4 builder, CC creator, lives in Night City and Hamster is my master Youtube Hamsterbellbelle My Youtube uploading schedule: EVERY 1ST AND 2ND.

I will reblog and tag the 3 lucky winners on the morning of the 11th. All (70) of the Peasant Interiors converted to The Sims 3. s3cc sims-3-cc the sims 3 ts3 gameplay diplacesims Follow Who carries a parasol while working out sims 3 the sims 3 thesims3 sims3 sims-3-cc aroundthesims diplacesims Follow Just another day at New Dragonia Cave of Learning. especially the console *keyboards smash* it just looks so good to me! anyways, i hope you enjoy this set :3 it was a pain to work with bc im a noob. BEGINS 3/11/16 - ENDS 4/11/16 midnight (EST). Mizzie She/her Black Mom Im Mizzie and Ive been playing The Sims for over 7 years, starting with TS3, and I now create mods, CC, and tutorials for. i’m very proud of how they came out, they’re not the best, but im happy with how each item looks. All floors are in Miscellaneous category with their original price and. Hi there, if you’re seeing this i hope you’re having a good day and if you’re not, i hope it gets better <3 i got a new set for ya’ll… furniture… this was my first time making objects for sims 3 and it actually worked. So for now here are floors and walls from 1st and 2nd expansion pack from The Sims 1.